Dr. Sravan

Renal Artery Stenosis

Renal Artery Stenosis

Renal artery stenosis disease is a condition caused due to hardening of renal arteries(atherosclerosis). ‘Plaque’  builds up in the artery walls because of cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension. Restrict the blood flow in the renal arteries. The kidneys will not function properly causing your blood pressure to rise which will further lead to kidney failure.

The disease develops slowly. The first sign of renal artery stenosis if you have high blood pressure is worsening of the high blood pressure and uncontrolled hypertension even with use of antihypertensive medications.

Early detection of the disease is important before it leads to complications like renal failure and severe hypertension. Blood tests and kidney function tests are done to evaluate the kidney functions. Duplex ultrasound scan, CT scan, and angiography are done to detect the exact location of the blockage.

Treatment options

Indicated only if conservative treatment with medications fail and kidney function rapidly deteriorates


Open surgery to remove the plaque from the narrowed portion of the artery and reconstruct the artery to maintain the size of artery and preserve blood flow

Balloon angioplasty and coronary stenting

Minimally invasive approach

Balloon is inflated at site of narrowing which will push the plaque against the artery wall helping the artery allow more space to increase the blood flow

Stenting – Stent is an artificial device, a mesh-like metal tube which is has the ability to expand inside the blocked artery. This stent is inserted into the blocked artery whichexpand  the artery lumen improving blood flow

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Dr. Sravan
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